Istria, Croatia - vacation rentals, hotels, travel, holiday, tourist info

Showing 441-445 of 465 items. (Google places),  12 Sep 2019

  • Address: Scalierova ul. 22A, Pula
  • Phone nr: +385 52 216 225
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Within the easy reach of the small town gate there is the church of St. Anthony of Padova dating from the second half of the 17th century and having characteristics of the Renaissance- Baroque s... (Google places),  12 Sep 2019

  • Address: Lungomare, Pula
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Lungomare is a well-known boardwalk in Pula located between Beach Valkane and Soline Cove. It is 4 km long, and is settled inside the thick pine woods. There are three beaches connected to th... (Google places),  12 Sep 2019

  • Address: Ul. Benediktinske opatije 1, Pula
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Floor mosaic “ The Punishment of Dirce” After the bombing of World War II remains of Roman houses with mosaics were found under the block of houses around the Chapel of St. Maria Formosa. T... (Google places),  12 Sep 2019

  • Address: Ul. Sergijevaca 3, Pula
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Agrippina’s house is an archaeological site situated in nowadays office of OTP bank and garden space in between buildings of Sergi street and Francis of Assisi Street on the southeast part of the... (Google places),  12 Sep 2019

  • Address: Gradinski uspon 6, Pula
  • Phone nr: +385 52 211 566
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The Historical and Maritime Museum of Istria – Museo storico e navale dell’ Istria is a specialised museum of regional scope; a public, cultural and scientific institution that performs its muse...
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