Cultural institution Galerija Kula is established in 1994 in Split, Croatia and enjoys the status of a museum. Its main focus is exhibiting and publishing the works of both Croatian and International artists. Since its establishment 14 years ago Galerija Kula organized 130 exhibitions and published 130 publications in 70,000 copies for many eminent Croatian painters including Željko Hegedušić, Edo Murtić, Ivo Šebalj, Zlatko Prica, Ljubo Škrnjug, Dalibor Parać, Rudolf Sablić, Mladen Veža, Josip Vaništa, Vasko Lipovac, Josip Vasilije Jordan, Mladen Pejaković, Nives Kavurić Kurtović, Đuro Seder, Josip Biffel, Munir Vejzović and many other famous painters. Galerija Kula also published 6 monography's (from Antun Zupa, Željko Radmilović, Milan Tolić, Mirko Ostoja, Josip Vasilije Jordan and Antun Boris Švaljek). Zupa, Radmilović, Tolić and Ostoja are local artists born in Split and they are big part of cultural heritage of the city of Split. Most eminent Croatian art historians wrote prefaces of Kula's publications, from late academicians like Kruno Prijatelj, Josip Depol,Vlado Bužančić, Tomislav Lalin to living academicians like Tonko Maroević , Luko Paljetak , Dr. Ivo Šimat Banov, Dr. Igor Zidić, Duško Kečkemet, Stanko Špoljarić, Guido Quien, Dr. Ivo Babič, Dr. Radoslav Tomič, Andrijana Škunc, Tonči Šitin, Andro Filipić, etc...In the year 2000 Galerija Kula started to organize international meetings of painters and sculptors where over years more than 500 painters and sculptors participated. In October of 2008 Galerija Kula organized „International Biennale of Painters and Sculptors – Mediterannean 2008“ that took part in the historic city of Trogir and Split. 90 painters and sculptors from 30 different countries participated in this event.