North Dalmatia, Croatia - vacation rentals, hotels, travel, holiday, tourist info

Showing 426-430 of 431 items. (Google places),  10 Apr 2017

  • Address: Poljana Pape Aleksandra III b.b., Zadar
  • Phone nr: +385 23 251 851
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The primary mission of the National Museum Zadar today includes systematic collection, storage, display, documenting, and technical and scientific analysis of mobile and immobile object of the cul... (Google places),  10 Apr 2017

  • Address: Ulica dr. Franje Tuđmana 54, Zadar
  • Phone nr: +385 23 305 087
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The whole story of Banja Luka ćevap in Zadar began back in 1997 and held until today as proof of the quality and originality. With well-known ćevap, we also offer other dishes from the grill, al... (Google places),  10 Apr 2017

  • Address: Ulica Stjepana Radića 8, Zadar
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If you want to sit and relax, watch the city people run their daily errands, come to our place and enjoy in our wide offer of soft and alcoholic drinks! The bar is known by its cosy and homey feel, (Holiday-Link.Com),  21 Mar 2016

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In 1983, a part of the Nature Park Vransko jezero was included in Important Bird Areas in Europe. There are about 235 bird species, of which 102 nesting birds so far registered in the Pa... (Holiday-Link.Com),  22 Mar 2016

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Velebit, a part of the Dinarides, is a mountain 145 km long and 10 to 30 km wide, streching over an area of 2, 270 km 2. The Velebit area has an extremly rich wildlife. There are over 10 spe...
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