Museums / Galleries / Theatres / Operas - Ston, South Dalmatia, Croatia

Showing 1-2 of 2 items. (Google places),  Aug 30, 2019

  • Address: Placa 17, Ston
  • Phone nr: +385 91 323 4015
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Among the most valuable items are a fresco with fish-scale motif from the 6th century from the early Christian church of saint Mary Magdalen, the cathedral of Ston's diocese from the early Chri... (Google places),  Aug 30, 2019

  • Address: Pelješki put 1, Ston
  • Phone nr: +385 20 754 027
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During the summer time saltworks is open from 07: 00 to 19: 00. Ticket price for individual people is 15kn per person. Where sea shoals meet the sun, in the bays with natural broad shallow shelve...
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