Sights / Attractions - Ston, South Dalmatia, Croatia

Showing 1-5 of 8 items. (Google places),  31 Aug 2019

  • Address: Unnamed Road, Ston
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South of the saltpans is very old, but well-preserved church of Our Lady of Lužine. This Romanesque nave church, which has the scenery easily visible bell tower, wasdated differently by differen... (Google places),  31 Aug 2019

  • Address: Mali Ston
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The parish church of st. Anthony the abbot was built from 1309 to 1394. It was extended to the west in 1686. The bell tower was built in the 16th century. Since the church was damaged in the w... (Google places),  31 Aug 2019

  • Address: Ston
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The chronicles say that as early as 1342 the first church of St. Vlaho was bult on the site of the present. As Ston became the bishop's center this church became a cathedral. It was destroyed in... (Google places),  31 Aug 2019

  • Address: Mali Ston
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The islet of St. Anne is privately owned by the Pjerotić family. The Church of St. Anne's Island is located in the protected bay of Mali Ston and the Peljesac peninsula, some 300 meters f... (Google places),  31 Aug 2019

  • Address: Ston
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The original parish church of St. Nicolas, consecrated by the Bishop V. Arrigoni on May 11th, 1615. It was enlarged in 1683rd and given the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin M...
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